Savannah Smiles Part II

Below are a few of the photos from our second day in Savannah. We had breakfast at The Collins Quarter, walked all over town to check out a few antique stores, had lunch at The Green Truck Pub, afternoon tea at The Gryphon Tea Room, stopped into a few bookstores, and finished the night with pizza at Vinnie Van Go Go's and ice cream at Leopold's before heading back to St. Augustine. We both thought that Savannah reminded us a bit like St. Augustine; a little touristy at times, but filled with local gems that make it worth visiting again soon. 

Savannah Smiles: Part I

Recently, Ryan and I took a quick 36 hour trip up to Savannah. I had spent the last few weeks scouting out a few places to stop into while there. We had the best time exploring the little historic town; it reminds me a lot of St. Augustine mixed with a little bit of Charleston. I've been twice before, but the first time was for less than 12 hours and the second time was for a bachelorette party. This time was most certainly my favorite though. We arrived early and had a pizza snack before starting to shop at a few of Savannah's best. First up was Paris Market, which Ryan and I equally agreed was one of our favorite places we stopped into. The decor, the product, the ambiance, it was all beautiful. Not to mention, those chocolate chip cookies we had from their little cafe were absolutely amazing. 

We found several antique shops that were surprisingly open on a Sunday. I found an entire wall of Nancy Drew and Hardy Boy books; Nancy Drew was my favorite when I was younger. We also made it a point to visit the shop SCAD. The store is a really awesome concept, where SCAD owns the building and they only sell products made by SCAD alumni. I left with a few greeting cards, but had my eye on a few weavings and journals. 

We spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the downtown area through all of the town squares. We had time to kill before dinner so we checked into the hotel after a couple hours of strolling. For dinner, there were two places that we wanted to try- The Olde Pink House and The Grey. We arrived to the Olde Pink House as soon as they opened so that we could be seated in the downstairs first come first serve tavern. When you make a reservation online or over the phone, you're making a reservation for the upstairs portion of the restaurant. The downstairs tavern is cozy, dimly lit by candle light. There was a fireplace and intimate seating, making it a much better option than upstairs, in my opinion. They also serve from the same menu whether you sit upstairs or downstairs. We each had a drink and split the fried green tomatoes and cheese and fruit board. 

Post Olde Pink house we found ourselves caught in a rainstorm and had to sprint, literally, back to the car. We then drove over to The Grey, a restaurant housed in the old Savannah Greyhound station. The interior was incredible, with a "diner" upfront and the restaurant in the back, they both served separate menus. We had reservations for the restaurant, however we decided the diner looked a bit more fun so we sat upfront. Ryan ordered a cuban sandwich and I had the roasted veggie sandwich with house-made chips.