Santa Rosa Beach Part I

After stopping in Tallahassee for an evening, I continued my road trip up to Santa Rosa Beach to see Kelsey. After a few long hours of driving through terrible rain, I had finally made it! Hip Hip Hooray! We celebrated Kelsey's last day at work with dinner and drinks at La Playa. That's Kelsey there with the salad she ordered + my asian shrimp tacos. 

The next morning we woke up to run to The Donut Hole, but the line was out the door and into the parking lot (cries silent tears.) We treaded on in search of a new breakfast venue and ended up at one of my old favorites, Another Broken Egg. After filling our bellies up with eggs and pancakes, we went home to hangout for a bit before going to lunch and to the beach. Lunch that day was at Pizza by the Sea. Kelsey and I shared a pineapple pizza and split a chocolate chip cookie while Sara had a salad and a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie. I had never tried their cookies before and they were to die for. Soft and tasted like they were fresh out of the oven. Dear Pizza by the Sea, can you ship me some ASAP? 

Post pizza, we packed up our beach chairs and coolers and set out for the beach. Thankfully, it rained as soon as we left the beach for the afternoon. The good news was as we walked into dinner, we spotted a rainbow just as the rain clouds started to disappear for the evening.