Hyppo St. Pete

On Saturday, The Hyppo opened their first Tampa Bay area store over in St. Pete. Attempting to contain my excitement is near impossible; I've been waiting years for this! As if I don't already have my fair share of pops in St. Augustine, I am now just a short 35 minute drive to downtown St. Pete where I can eat all of the pops my little heart desires. I went over Sunday afternoon with my mom. Our pop choices were key lime pie and peanut butter pie, both dipped in chocolate. We decided we each needed a second pop before leaving. She tried the pistachio rosewater and  I picked the black pepper cantaloupe. 

If you're down in the area, run to Hyppo; they are at 627 Central Avenue! 


Last weekend marked St. Augustine's 450th birthday! We kicked off the tail end of the weekend with a walk uptown to Magnolia Avenue. Out of all my years visiting St. Augustine, Magnolia Avenue was something I still hadn't been to and it's just as beautiful as the pictures I've seen. After our walk, we met up with a few friends for a drink before heading home to make dinner. Ryan and I whipped up homemade veggie pizzas and climbed up onto the roof to people watch. I was pretty disappointed that I had missed the big firework show earlier in the weekend and Ryan just so happened to have a recorded version of it for us to watch as well.  We even celebrated the city's birthday with sparkler candles :)


The next morning we had breakfast at The Hyppo Cafe and more excitingly, had one of their amazing cookies for dessert. All of their cookies are delicious, but their chocolate chip is my absolute favorite. Earlier in the year they removed the cookies from their menu and after several months of a cookie hiatus, they decided to bring them back and I couldn't have been happier. One cookie paired with an ice cortadito was the best way to start the morning, in my opinion. 

That afternoon the city was a hosting a cake cutting in the square. It was scheduled to start at noon but was pushed back to later begin at 2pm. We ended up walking home after staying for a while to listen to the band entertain the crowd. 

Tuesday, the 8th, was the final day of celebrations for the city. I walked down to The Mission to see the reenactment of Don Pedro Menendez's landing in St. Augustine. "He" came in by boat and shortly after, all of the actors paraded through the crowd and made their way downtown to the Cathedral Basilica for a ceremonial mass. I followed the parade along downtown and watched as several dozen priests and city leaders led their way into the church. The mass was by invitation only so I made my way back to Ryan's after the parade. I couldn't go back without picking up a Hyppo pop; the 90 degree weather called for 5 Hyppo pops, but I refrained and just picked one. Spumoni with a white chocolate cap was the specialty flavor for the weekend. It was just as delicious as it looks and I picked up several more to bring home with me :)


83 Years Young!

We recently celebrated my grandmother's 83rd birthday with a family dinner and the tallest chocolate cake I've seen in a while. She's a chocoholic and specifically requested chocolate cake, chocolate frosting, and we threw in a few chocolate chips on top for good measure. I think I know where I get my sweet tooth from ;) 

My grandmother truly is the sweetest person I know, and will bend over backwards to lend a helping hand in any way she possibly can. I'm lucky to have her in my life and to have her and my grandfather live so close by. Besides a cake bigger than my grandmother herself, we celebrated with number sparklers, because it's always the most fun every birthday (in my opinion.)

She really is just the cutest. Here's to hoping your 83rd year is one of the best yet, Grandma! To the stars and back, I love you so! 

Poppo's Taqueria

One of my best friend's Sarah, a junior editor for Lonny Magazine,  came home from New York for a few days and we got together one afternoon on  Anna Maria Island for a much needed catch-up lunch. We picked Poppo's Taqueria, as last time we tried to go they were closed. It's rather slow on the island this time of the year, so we lucked out that Poppo's was open all day. It's a similar ordering style to a Chipotle but the food is one hundred times better. We each had a burrito bowl, mine with honey lime red cabbage slaw, black beans, guacamole, brown rice, cilantro, pico de gallo, shredded jack cheese, and pickled red onions. Sarah had a similar bowl, but ordered ancho chicken on hers as well. Their chips were freshly made to order and were absolutely amazing. We sat outside and soaked up the sun, in between a few rain showers. The food was delicious but the company was the best part. I've missed you SJ!  

Mey Mey, aka Sarah or SJ, in all of her island glory. 

After lunch, we walked down Pine Avenue to one of our favorite island shops, Shiny Fish Emporium. It's an eclectic shop filled with trinkets for all ages. They have the most beautiful children's toys imported from France, lots of goodies from a favorite party company of mine called Tops Malibu, and decently sized selection of women's clothing. Our favorite thing to get at Shiny Fish is a Hawaiian ice cream bubble, which is really just a single mochi ice cream. They usually have several flavors to pick from, one of the best I've had yet is the mango. They were low on flavors this trip, so I went with the sakura, a cherry blossom and vanilla flavor, while Sarah had a blueberry bubble. Aside from all of the great products they sell, their store is decorated with bright pinks, blues and greens. They have some amazing pieces of furniture and lighting that I would scoop up in a heart beat with a little extra pocket change. It's a fun place to stop into if you're in the area! 

Lazy Sunday

Sundays, in my opinion, are one of my favorite days of the week. When I'm not working at the store, I love to sleep in and try out new breakfast spots. This past Sunday, I was in St. Augustine and remembered that I had been wanting to try out Big Island Bowls. We headed over to the island and ordered up some delicious acai bowls and ran to eat them in the car, just as it started to pour down rain. Ryan had the acai mixed with apple juice, granola, blueberries, bananas, and pineapple while I had the acai bowl mixed with almond milk, granola, chia seeds, blueberries, strawberries, and coconut flakes. I've been craving another one since then! 

After breakfast we ran several errands around town to pick up some art supplies and groceries to make for dinner that evening. After all of our running around, it was time for lunch. All week we have both been craving Back 40 and when brainstorming ideas for lunch, it was the first place on both of our minds. Ryan stuck with his traditional Cuban sandwich and I tried a new to me salad, the shrimp curry salad with coconut curry buttermilk dressing. I've been thinking about how to whip up my own version at home because I practically licked the bowl clean. The dressing was easily the star of the show, it was that amazing. 

We stopped into The Hyppo, per usual, to see some of our favorite workers and I picked up my own dragon fruit ginger pop. Not pictured* Ryan's lemon plum pop that he ate before I could catch a photo ;) 

We made a fried rice for dinner and went downstairs to pick up Cousteau's for dessert. A Belafonte with vanilla ice cream hit the spot to end the day on a sweet note. In my opinion, lazy Sundays filled with the best food are kind of the greatest. 

Back to Orlando We Go

Back to Orlando we went last week for a quick day trip to Ikea! It was my second time there and although I'm not the biggest fan of the majority of things they sell, Ikea does have several little gems I really loved. We weaved our way through each department, both of us finding just a few new items to bring home with us. It took a couple of hours to get through the entire place, so we inevitably worked up an appetite.  Ryan and I loaded up the car and headed straight to Winter Park for none other than Shake Shack! Ryan had a double Shack Burger and I had the 'Shroom Burger, extra pickles, extra Shack Sauce (it's the best if you've never tried it!) Following dinner, I found The Soda Fountain on my Four Square and we stopped in for a trio of ice creams: chocolate peanut butter, salted caramel, and cinnamon roll. We both agreed that we preferred Kelly's Ice Cream, that we tried last time we were in Orlando. It was fun though to see the wall murals painted right outside of The Soda Fountain, flamingos and swans were definitely included. The eat more ice cream wall? I can get behind that.  

Tiny Tourists

The last, and only time, I've ever toured the fort in St. Augustine was when I was 14 years old and in 8th grade. Our class took a trip up to St. Augustine for the day and the only thing I could remember was trying to squeeze as many classmates as possible into those tiny tower out coves for a picture that is probably still kept away somewhere amongst my teenage possessions. It's been a place I've been wanting to revisit, so Ryan and I decided to play tourist and make a morning of it. At that age, I didn't realize how special of a place St. Augustine truly is, and while walking through the fort, I was only reminded just how amazing the city really is. I couldn't begin to imagine what life was like during times when the fort was in use. I found myself shaking my head in disbelief during multiple parts of the tour. Imagine building that entire fort with your barehands, during Florida's excruciatingly hot and humid summers, while probably wearing week old clothes, AND probably without sufficient food and water supply....aka no Hyppo pops to cool them off from a working day. When visiting St. Augustine so often, I get caught up in forgetting to stop and appreciate all of the history the city has to offer. I'm glad we took the time to tour the fort that day, the morning is one of my favorite St. Augustine memories thus far. 

^^^ post fort I insisted we stop for pops to cool off from the heat. I had my favorite key lime and Ryan picked out the dragon fruit ginger. I'm telling you, I'm on a mission to try them all ;) 

A Day Exploring Gainesville

While visiting Ryan in St. Augustine, we had a free day with zero plans. We decided to fill up the day with a mini trip to Gainesville. Neither of us have spent much time in Gainesville in the past, and while it's a small town, there were definitely a few places that caught our interest to check out.  We hopped in the car and took our time making the hour and a half drive west. We stopped at Finders, Keepers in Palatka to see if they had any new items since we last visited in March. Parked right out front was the coolest VW bus, elaborately covered in dozens of stickers. Unfortunately, it wasn't for sale :'( it just belonged to another shopper. The only items that we purchased were a couple of letterpresses matchbooks that were hidden in a fishbowl in the back of the store.  

Stopping into Satchel's for lunch was a given, and we were sure glad we did. We braved the heat to once again sit outside in the VW bus. We ordered a small, yes that's a small, Satchel salad and a large cheese pie. We were completely stuffed at the end of our meal, but I made Ryan ask for a dessert menu anyways. They bring it out in the form of a viewfinder....ah-mazing. So then, of course, we ordered chocolate chip and peanut butter chocolate chip cookies to-go as snack for the drive back later that afternoon. 

After lunch, we decided to spend a few hours roaming the Florida Museum of Natural History. Although the Florida museum doesn't compare to the history museum in New York, my personal favorite, it was absolutely worth the trip to visit. The museum always has a permanent exhibit, which is free to the public, and they currently have two featured exhibits that you pay for separately. One exhibit is of Sue the T-Rex and the second is the butterfly garden. In 1990, paleontologist Sue Hendrickson discovered the largest and most complete T-Rex skeleton found to date. The fossil was eventually auctioned off to the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, where the fossil is still kept on display today. The fossil displayed at the Florida Museum of Natural History is just a replica, however the entire exhibit was really interesting and taught Ryan and I some fun facts we didn't previously know. My favorite were the displays that showed how dinosaurs have been depicted throughout pop culture over the last several decades. While scientists have a pretty thorough understanding as to how dinosaurs lived and survived, there's still so much left to speculation. The exhibit itself was educational and truly amazing when you think of all the possibilities and what imagine what life would be like if dinosaurs still roamed the earth today. If I ever had the chance, I would love to see the real fossil in Chicago. 

Ps- they had an entire wall in the exhibit dedicated to post-it notes listing what people thought about Sue. It was thoroughly entertaining to read through them all, especially ones written by children 5 and under. Ryan and I couldn't leave without posting our own jokes, seen below. 

Ryan and I will both agree when we say our favorite part of the museum was the butterfly exhibit. As we wrapped around the museum, from the Florida history section and into the butterfly exhibit, there were several museum employees working delicately to pin a variety of butterflies and beetles into shadow boxes. I've never had the opportunity to watch people pin the different butterfly varieties before, and it was beautiful and slightly gross all at the same time. I'm really not a fan of bugs in general, butterflies included, but they way they were displayed was an art form in and of itself. Some of the bugs were beautiful shades of blues and greens, while others were a bit terrifying and I am glad I've never come across the living versions. The museum had several shadow boxes on display; however, behind the workers in the laboratory were rows and rows of several hundred shadow boxes. If only we had the opportunity to look through them all, I am sure that's where the keep the most rare and delicate species. Following the butterflies and beetles on display, came the best part: the butterfly garden. You enter the garden and walk through a pathway that leads you through beautiful, lush plants and tropical flowers. As soon as you look up, you realize there are hundreds of butterflies, all shapes, colors and sizes, flying above you. Some land right next to you, but as soon as you blink, they are in flight and on to find the next plant to feed from. There were butterflies I had never seen before, neon green, red, and vibrant blues. In one summed up word, it was magical. Every time I looked in a different direction I would point out and exclaim a new butterfly that would flutter by, and how each one was "my favorite." They were all just too beautiful!  They had benches set up throughout the garden so viewers could sit and spend a fair amount of time observing. It was overwhelmingly peaceful in there and I instantly began to plot how to recreate the scene in my backyard. If you go to the museum, pay the extra seven or eight dollars to go into the garden, I promise you it's absolutely worth it. 

Before going back to St. Augustine we made a special trip over to one of the two Gainesville Hyppo locations. This one is my favorite Hyppo location out of all the shops they currently have. I mean, how could it not be your favorite with that amazing fruit wall?  This trip, I had the guava hibiscus pop and Ryan had the classic papaya pineapple pop. 

S'mores Day

Yesterday we had a mini celebration in honor of national s'mores day. My mom and I went to Chocolate Pi to treat ourselves to their daily special, a graham cracker ice cream sundae with chocolate ganache and toasted marshmallows. To say it was heavenly would be an understatement. They have the tastiest desserts in town; I'm especially fond of their macarons and caramelia cookies. Their storefront is located at the Epicurean Hotel, just outside facing Howard Avenue. It's often overlooked as you drive by, but it's certainly worth a trip every few weeks, or days ;) They are always whipping up something new and it's difficult to leave without one of everything. If you stop in, try one of their homemade sodas too! They change them out each season, but they keep some regular staples on the menu. My favorite is the fizzy monsieur, an espresso soda. I'm such a sucker for national food holidays, so celebrating this one was no exception! Plus, it's on my summer bucket list to eat as many s'mores as possible ;) 

Orlando and Winter Park

Recently, Rifle Paper Co. hosted The Hyppo and Mama's Sauce for yet another awesome sidewalk sale. Once I found out Hyppo would be there, I planned a little overnight trip to meet Ryan in the Orlando/Winter Park area before the sale the next day. I ended up finding the cutest tiny modern house that was for rent on Airbnb and I knew it was perfect! We dropped our bags off at the house and headed out for a progressive dinner around town. First stop was The Strand for a beer and an order of the house made pretzels. They came out fresh from the oven with a side of a homemade pimento cheese that was delicious. Following pretzels, we went to Propagation coffee for a cappuccino and iced coffee with tonic water. Next up, we went to Winter Park Fish Co. for a lobster roll...only to find out it had been taken off of the menu! We chose the shrimp tacos and a crab roll instead, which wasn't quite the same, but it was still pretty delicious. Our last stop for dessert was Kelly's homemade ice cream, where Ryan had the Mexican hot chocolate and I had the cake batter with sprinkles. That evening, we were welcomed back to the house by the owners, Alex and Rosa. They were overwhelmingly kind and generous and we couldn't recommend their tiny house enough! 

The next morning, we woke up, packed our bags, and headed straight for Rifle Paper Co. We were greeted with popsicles, the best way to start the morning, and I jumped straight into stocking up on all the stationery and prints my little hands could hold. I was so excited to see she was offering her new planners at the sale as well, so I had to pick one up! 

After Rifle Paper, we were offered the chance to stop over into Mama's Sauce's studio for a little tour. It was so cool to see all of their amazing presses; to say Ryan was in heaven would be an understatement. Thanks Mama's Sauce! 

Lastly, we had lunch at Black Bean Deli. I think Ryan and I would both agree that this was our favorite restaurant of the trip. Not only was the interior beautiful, the atmosphere was bustling with a large lunch crowd, but the food was so much better than I could have hoped for. Ryan had a cuban and I had the vegetarian plate with plantains, a salad, cuban bread, and black beans with rice. It was heaven washed down with a Mexican Coke. 

We seriously had the best time exploring Orlando and Winter Park for twenty four hours. We scratched off a few places on our little adventure list, but with that, added several new places we want to try in the future as well. We will definitely be back to stay in that tiny house, and cannot wait to see when the owners finish their latest project: an airstream Airbnb! 

St. Augustine

About two weeks ago, I headed back to St. Augustine for a couple of days to visit. Below are a few of the photos of some things we were up to while I was there. One day, we took a trip up to Jacksonville for the morning to eat at a few new restaurants and to shop at the town center. My favorite place we stopped into was Community Loaves. Disclaimer: their ice cream sandwiches and egg and cheese bagels were out of this world delicious. 

The rest of the trip we just spent time relaxing and printing a few new pieces of stationery for myself a la M.C. Pressure. I'll post a photo of the completed projects as soon as I'm done lining all of my new envelopes! We had breakfast at our usual, Blue Hen, and spotted the cutest mint VW bus on our drive home. Later that evening, we whipped up a dinner that included fresh pasta tossed with tomatoes, fresh basil, and olive oil. For dessert, Ryan and I bought a miniature (six inch) cast iron skillet and filled the bottom with chocolate chips. Next, Ryan chopped the marshmallows in half and placed them on top and put it into the oven at 350 degrees. We baked it just until the marshmallows were golden brown and served it with graham cracker pieces for dipping. It was the simple, delicious, and I was left wanting s'more ;) Another summer bucket list item completed! 


No. 19 on my summer bucket list was to go to an antique fair or flea market. Last Monday, we set our alarms for 5:30am, picked up a dozen donuts and coffee, and headed north on 75 to visit Webster Flea Market. Open each Monday throughout the year, rain or shine, my mom used to bring me here every few months growing up. She would give me a few dollars each trip so that I could purchase "treasure" of my own...and by treasures it was probably some old McDonald's Disney toy. My mom and I went a few months back when the weather was cooler and the fields were packed with vendors. Unfortunately, this time, there weren't too many vendors there to look through. We spent a couple of hours sifting through every booth along each aisle. We each found a few trinkets to bring home, of course I found the most; no surprise there. It was a fun day spent with my mom and Ryan. We've already marked it on our calendars to head back in the fall when it's much cooler and the vendors are aplenty. 

Recent VW's

It comes as no surprise how much I love VW's, especially buses and beetles. Here a few snaps of the buses I've seen around town recently. This mint bus below is one of my favorites I have seen yet, plus the lawn flamingo in the back is amazing. I would also love to meet the person that drives that mustache bus; I could only hope that they have a matching mustache. 

A Few New Places

A few weeks ago when we were in St. Pete for the Fourth of July, I passed by Bodega on Central and was bummed to see it was closed for the holiday. I added it to my list to venture back to, and a few days later I headed over the bridge to spend the morning and afternoon exploring a few new to me places in the area. First up, I went to Bodega for one of their fresh juices. Bodega specializes in homemade Cuban dishes, fresh squeezed juices, and soda frescas. You can order food at the outdoor counter and then walk inside next door to sit and order a juice or soda. The interior of the juice shop was incredible with all of the subway tile and fresh fruits displayed on the counter. Not to mention their neon sign was pretty amazing.  I tried the "kale-ing me softly" which had kale, banana, honey, pineapple, and coconut water. I wish it was a little closer to Tampa so I could stop in weekly and try each of their other juices. The sodas also looked amazing; they had a pineapple soda that caught my eye. Next trip! 

I next went down the street to check out Haslam's Book Store. They are a used and new bookstore that has been local to St. Pete since the 1930's. It would take weeks to sift through all of the books that they have in stock. They had several cases of rare and signed books that were fun to look through. My favorite part was stumbling into the bookstore cat, Teacup. I like to believe she reads books about travel and gardening in her spare time. They even sold postcards of Teacup at the front cash register. 

Not too long ago I remember reading an article online or in the paper about how Orlando's Pom Pom's Teahouse and Sandwicheria just opened a second location in St. Pete. I had completely forgotten about it until I drove down Central and passed by. I pulled the car over immediately and ended up ordering a cup of rose petal tea and a veggie sandwich. They have a large selection of unique sandwiches, salads, dozens of teas. I've heard so many people rave about their Momma Ling Ling's Thanksgiving sandwich. It comes with turkey, cranberries, stuffing, and a side of gravy. I'll stick to my veggie sandwich or one of their salads, but if you ever try it, let me know!  

Santa Rosa Beach Part II

A few more photos as I headed out to the beach for an hour or so on my last day on 30A. Dark clouds were beginning to roll in so I shopped around my favorite book and record stores, Sundog Books and Central Square Records. A trip over to the airstream food trucks was also mandatory. I had a grilled cheese from Meltdown on 30A and a pineapple shaved ice with condensed milk on top from Frost Bites. Just as I got my shaved ice it began to rain so I headed to the car to get back on the road. The 30A area will forever be one of my favorite places to visit and I hope it's not too long before I get another chance to visit! 

Santa Rosa Beach Part I

After stopping in Tallahassee for an evening, I continued my road trip up to Santa Rosa Beach to see Kelsey. After a few long hours of driving through terrible rain, I had finally made it! Hip Hip Hooray! We celebrated Kelsey's last day at work with dinner and drinks at La Playa. That's Kelsey there with the salad she ordered + my asian shrimp tacos. 

The next morning we woke up to run to The Donut Hole, but the line was out the door and into the parking lot (cries silent tears.) We treaded on in search of a new breakfast venue and ended up at one of my old favorites, Another Broken Egg. After filling our bellies up with eggs and pancakes, we went home to hangout for a bit before going to lunch and to the beach. Lunch that day was at Pizza by the Sea. Kelsey and I shared a pineapple pizza and split a chocolate chip cookie while Sara had a salad and a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie. I had never tried their cookies before and they were to die for. Soft and tasted like they were fresh out of the oven. Dear Pizza by the Sea, can you ship me some ASAP? 

Post pizza, we packed up our beach chairs and coolers and set out for the beach. Thankfully, it rained as soon as we left the beach for the afternoon. The good news was as we walked into dinner, we spotted a rainbow just as the rain clouds started to disappear for the evening.

Happy Fourth of July!

A very happy birthday to you, Miss America! We spent the day at antique markets, grilling out, and floating poolside. I wouldn't think our nation would have us celebrate it any other way. Here are some photos from our early fireworks celebration yesterday evening...

^^ little blurred bursts of confetti, I love you so. 

Tallahassee Part I

Last weekend I decided to take a little road trip up to visit my friend Kelsey in Santa Rosa Beach. She's moving home to Tampa this weekend (YAY!) and I wanted to take a few days to visit one last time before she moved. The drive from Tampa to Santa Rosa is just over six hours long. To break up the trip, I always stop in Tallahassee to visit with my friend Aaren before continuing the rest of the drive the next day. It turns out Aaren is moving this weekend as well, to Atlanta, so it worked out perfectly that I got to spend some extra time with her before leaving. 

As soon as I arrived into town, we headed to have sushi followed by ice cream for dinner from Lofty Pursuits. I tried a scoop of the elephant ears ice cream, huge chunks of peanut butter and chocolate with vanilla ice cream, and I added the banana. Aaren had the English toffee with hot chocolate ganache on top. One of my favorite things about Aaren is that she has also been my go-to foodie when we were in college. We used to live together and we probably embraced our love for sweets a little too often. Like there really is such a thing ;) 

The next morning Aaren headed off to work and I went to make a quick round about some of my favorite places in Tallahassee before leaving town. I had breakfast and coffee at Craig's Killer Coffee, a new to me coffee shop. My favorite coffee shop recently closed so I figured it could be good to try a new place. I had an Americano and a blueberry muffin that was probably the size of a football (the picture certainly does not do it justice.) 

After breakfast, I wanted to shop around a few of the local vintage and antique stores to see if they would have anything that caught my eye. I found several items that I loved; including, a jewelry case, handkerchief, a dress, a scarf for my mom, a pair of replica staffordshire dogs, and a Girl Scout's sash from the '50's that had the coolest patches on it. Some of the best vintage and antique stores I've found have been Avant Garb,  Curio, The Other Side Vintage, Good Finds, and Killearn Antiques. If you're in the area and into those types of places, check them out to see what you can find. I love a good treasure hunt and each place specializes in carrying different items from home decor to clothing and jewelry. 

It had been a while since i had been over into Railroad Square, so I decided to drive down through the loop to check out any new stores. Not only did I find Curio, they had the best vintage clothing, I stumbled upon this letterpress studio and couldn't believe my eyes. The owner, Mika, was extremely generous and allowed me to take a look around his studio. We started chatting about odds and ends and he used to live in Tampa where he had a photography studio above the Italian club on 7th Avenue in Ybor City. Coincidentally, he also lived in St. Augustine for a substantial period of time and agrees with me on saying it's such a special place. Mika had been working with letterpresses in various capacities since the early 70's. He owned several presses in his studio, all which had their own unique and exciting stories to tell...one used to print parking tickets in New Port Richie, while another came from up north. I purchased a few of his products and he gave me a free print to send over to Ryan. He was excited I was familiar with the letterpress process and couldn't believe I knew someone in St. Augustine that had a letterpress business. I passed one of Ryan's business cards along to him and he loved the card and punny M.C. Pressure name so much he put Ryan's business card up on his inspiration board. 

By that time, I had worked up an appetite and knew only one place would satisfy my lunch cravings, Mr. Roboto. The smell upon walking into the restaurant made me nostalgic for freshman year where my roommate Laura and I would eat here at least once...maybe twice a week. I ordered the vegetable hibachi and fried rice and naturally picked up extra, extra, extra miso sauce. I don't understand why they don't sell it by the bottle yet! I was in such a food coma by the time I left, it was pure bliss. Mr. Roboto, I have missed you so! 

Because dessert is always a requirement after any meal, Lucy and Leo's was a must. This was another place I absolutely loved to go to when I was in college. I think I've tried all of their flavors and my favorite being the kitchen sink cupcake, hummingbird, or the classic red velvet.  I picked up a pack of four cupcakes to take to Kelsey's. Key lime, lemon blueberry, peanut butter chocolate, and cookies and cream were the four I picked. It was hard not to dive into them before I arrived at the beach! 

Beach Snoballs

Since putting "eat as many snow cones as possible" on my summer bucket list, I've managed to try several new snowcone/snoball stands over the past few weeks. It helps that my dad is borderline obsessed with the treats as well, so it's easy to convince him to tag along when trying out new places. This time around, we drove down to Treasure Island to test out Beach Snoballs. He had a cherry snoball and I went with the key lime flavor. They both were delicious and I loved the unexpected surprise of the spoons turning blue in reaction to the ice! It's the little things :) They had so many flavors and toppings to try, we'll probably be back soon for more. Considering the heat here has been almost unbearable on same days, I should make the most of it with another trip to the beach followed by a snoball or two! 

The Rare Bird of Fashion

The new Iris Apfel documentary finally made its way into town and I jumped at the chance to go see it. The documentary was only playing for a few nights at the Tampa Theatre, so my mom and I made an evening of it. If you are unfamiliar with Iris Apfel, she is probably the coolest 90- something year old you may ever come across. She's known for her quirky and eccentric fashion choices; you would probably recognize her by her oversized rounded eyeglasses. The documentary focuses on Iris' love for fashion and her creative work within the industry, but what I loved the most was her outlook on life. She and her husband, Carl, have been married for more than 65 years and they truly believe that you have to make the most of this life while you can. Iris commented on how it's more important to be interesting rather than pretty, which I couldn't agree with more in today's society. She believes and preaches that curiosity and imagination are the keys to success in your personal and professional endeavors. Even if you're not one for fashion, this woman's life is incredibly interesting. One thing is certain, she and her sweet husband will inspire your love for life and your sense of adventure.